2023/2024 Season
Membership, Subscriptions & Donations
The Directors, Masters and Secretaries of the Old Berkshire Hunt Ltd would like to thank all our subscribers and members for their welcome and much appreciated support last season and hope that you have been making the best of the summer.
We were extremely pleased to regain a sense of normality last season and I am sure you will all agree that we had many enjoyable days trail hunting. With the new 2023/24 season fast approaching the team is busy preparing to kick start it with much enthusiasm. Hunting costs have had to increase this season by around 10%, to attempt to keep pace with our cost increases, though we have kept caps for younger members unchanged. We continue to actively work to minimise costs, alongside providing quality hunting.
Hunting subscriptions with the OBH continue to be great value for money, and we managed to enjoy many days autumn and winter hunting last season. We are hoping to have a full and very enjoyable season ahead (weather permitting!).
This season we look forward to welcoming members, subscribers, subscribers’ guests and visitors to the OBH. We require that ALL mounted followers MUST have Third Party Liability, and preferably Personal Accident Insurance. Individuals are responsible for ensuring that they have the cover. Membership of the Pony Club or parent(s) membership of the Countryside Alliance, generally provides the cover required for children. Membership of the Countryside Alliance for the individual provides cover for hunting. Proof may be required from non-members prior to a day’s hunting.
OBH Membership
This is set at £170 (ie equivalent of a little over £5 per week for the season).
All followers, whether mounted or on foot, who wish to share the hunt’s permissions to cross private land are required to be members of the OBH. Membership is automatically included within a Subscription.
Foot follower members wishing to go onto private land, particularly in vehicles, must check with the Master in charge of the day exactly where the Hunt has permission to go.
Please note OBH Supporters Club membership does not entitle you to this access and we request that OBHSC members please stay on highways and public rights of way.
Countryside Alliance: The Directors have determined that all mounted, foot and car followers should be
members of the Countryside Alliance for insurance purposes; our continued support is vital in the present political climate. Please ensure that your Countryside Alliance membership number is stated on your subscription form.